Vampire Weekend Tease New Album with Acronym 'OGWAU'

Reddit sleuths are speculating it stands for 'Only God Was Above Us'

Photo: Michael Schmelling

BY Megan LaPierrePublished Feb 6, 2024

Back in December, (drinking horchata), Vampire Weekend announced that they had finished their fifth album. It appears that the rollout for said LP has begun, as the band have updated their social media accounts with a new photo and changed their bios to "OGWAU." They also shared a teaser clip to Instagram with the caption  "OGWAUteaser1.mp4," so it's safe to assume that those letters are probably an acronym for the album title.

Vampire Weekend teased their most recent record — 2019's Father of the Bride with its initials too, so there's definitely a precedent here. 

Reddit sleuth r/Technical-Syrup-7509 has gone even deeper, pointing out that the subway photograph featured on the band's freshly updated website was taken by photographer Steven Siegel as part of a series captured in a New Jersey junkyard in the 1980s. In another shot from the collection, a person is seen reading a newspaper with the headline "Only God Was Above Us" — the front page of an issue of The Daily News from 1988. The story was about the top of a plane getting ripped off mid-flight in Hawaii. 

Previously, Vampire Weekend have said that the forthcoming album is "raga-inspired" and "might be our best yet," as well as that it's "10 songs no skips." See the teaser clip below and stay tuned, A-punks!

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