
Ghost In the Gears: The Iodine Compilation

BY Chris GramlichPublished Aug 1, 2001

Fledgling Boston-based label Iodine Records' first release is a formidable 19-band compilation, one that features a number of heavy hitters, some virtual unknowns and is laden with rare or unreleased tracks (the mating call of any reasonably good compilation), and is musically most prominently located in the hardcore and metal worlds but with a few genre-defying shards included. Boston heavies Cave In and Converge are the "name" acts, with Cave In contributing another demo version of "Terminal Deity," one that reaffirms their once brilliant metallic leanings but begs the question: just how many demos did they record for Until Your Heart Stops? Converge contribute "The Human Shield," from The Poacher Diaries, upping the aggression and metallic noisecore quotient, as do contributions from Force Fed Glass and Forty Days Rain, while Garrison brings the emo and Daltronic brings the rock. Tracks from Milhouse, That's All She Wrote, Zegota, Devola, Hassan I Sabbah, Indecision, Jeromes Dream, Catharsis, Guernica, Bastain, Dahmer, Good Clean Fun and Love Power Electronics round out Ghost In the Gears, offering a varied and diverse sampling of aggressive music and its related genres. Iodine's Ghost In the Gears compilation is a strong debut for the label, undoubtedly a sign of what's to come.

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