[[[[Vvrssnn]]]]/Adam Clayton Forkner

[[[[Vvrssnn]]]]/Adam Clayton Forkner

BY Roman SokalPublished Jun 1, 2003

Adam Clayton Forkner, the founding member of celebrated drone/introspective head-pressure relieving bands such as Surface Of Eceon and Yume Bitsu puts on the Mr. Spock and Out Hud hat, and takes to the computers and proves that he can create a transcending listening experience no matter what the instruments, technologies or whatever else may be available to him. In fact, it is as if he put a microphone to your head like a magnet, which absorbs everything you like about popular music — be it dance, electronic/dub, drone, rock, indie rock, folk and then some (like an anthemic a cappella), into a melting circular loop. And to calm the masses a little with this overwhelming futuristic piece of art, he includes various keyboard bleeps and bloops to give one a reference point to sit with. (There are also contributions throughout the disc by Calvin Johnson and Phil Elvrum, who only intensify the craftiness of this album as do the occasional bizarre treated vocals that sound like Bryan Ferry being filtered through a black hole). A phenomenal disc indeed — it can basically accompany any scenario known to mankind, from late night drives, acid trips, bouts of depression and hyperactivity — it’s valuable medicine for all, and it just about escapes genre pigeonholing and the like. Get in!

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