​Watch Dan Mangan's High School Band Cover the Foo Fighters

BY Sarah MurphyPublished Jan 28, 2020

Dan Mangan may be one of Canada's favourite indie singer-songwriters, but it turns out he got his start just like the rest of us — playing covers in high school bands.
The Vancouver troubadour has unearthed and shared footage of his high school group Basement Suite performing a Foo Fighters cover in the basement of the Dunbar Community Centre.
The clips sees the band ran through "Everlong" as Mangan's pal crowdsurfs across the room.
"A flood of adrenaline hit me in that moment and I don't think I'd ever been happier in my whole life," Mangan wrote in the caption. "The energy was like a drug and I knew that I had to chase it over and over again forever."
Check out Mangan's early days below.

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