Zack De La Rocha Finishes Solo Album

BY Cam LindsayPublished Sep 20, 2007

It's only taken him seven years, but Zack De La Rocha has finally finished his solo album. According to, the front-man for Rage Against the Machine worked with drummer Jon Theodore, formerly of the Mars Volta, as well as DJ Shadow, Trent Rezor and ?uestlove, though nothing has been said about which tracks will make the final cut. Contributing keyboards himself to the record, a source who has heard the album said it sounds like "Led Zeppelin and Dr. Dre. Some of it has the power you'd expect from him in Rage." Even weirder is the fact that De La Rocha recorded some of the music at surfing folkie Jack Johnson's eco-friendly LA studio. De La Rocha is:

a) currently without a label as a solo artist
b) currently without a scheduled release date for his album
c) currently without an album title for his album
d) currently "with" Rage Against the Machine, who will perform next in October at the Voodoo Music Experience in New Orleans and the Vegoose festival in Las Vegas
e) all of the above

If you said e), then you are correct.

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