New Order
Power, Corruption and Lies
PUBLISHED May 1, 2005
There was a time, before 2002, when little was known about New Order. The blond one played guitar, it was thought, and the paunchy one, we...
Josh Homme
King Of Queens
PUBLISHED Apr 1, 2005
"I think most bands play by this false set of rules that doesn't exist while we know that there aren't rules." The southern California de...
Battle Ready
PUBLISHED Dec 1, 2004
It may seem like inane bickering to those outside hip-hop culture but battling whether in a freestyle cipher or on wax is an intrinsic...
Tom Waits
Grim Weapers and Grand Weepers
PUBLISHED Oct 1, 2004
Tom Waits has three children, and at one point when they were still quite young, they asked him why he doesn't have a straight job like eve...
They Might Be Giants
Tall Tales
PUBLISHED Sep 1, 2004
Many bands find entire career defined by a single song or pigeonholed by a single style and are unable to shake it. Being called a quirky,...
The Vandals
Independent Punk Superstuds
PUBLISHED Aug 1, 2004
Composed of one the most versatile and skilled drummers in music today, a guitarist who spends his spare time creating sexually explicit ar...
The Cure
Three Imaginary Decades
PUBLISHED Jul 1, 2004
Against their wishes, they helped define goth with a series of early, dreary albums, only to subsequently revoke any leadership or responsi...
Beastie Boys
More Rhymes Than Grey Hairs
PUBLISHED Jun 1, 2004
It was a joke. At least that's what most people thought when a trio of obnoxious Jewish teenagers who rapped about "wenches on benches" and...