Merle Haggard
The Last Outlaw
PUBLISHED May 1, 2004
Country music is a funny thing. Along with jazz, it is considered one of the purely American art forms. Yet, for all its traditions, countr...
Diamanda Galás
Diva of the Dispossessed
PUBLISHED Mar 1, 2004
It's been said the voice of Diamanda Galás resurrects the dead inside the living. She is regularly accused of Satanism, has been denounced...
Iggy Pop
No Escape From The Funhouse
PUBLISHED Nov 1, 2003
Rock and roll has produced many unique individuals, but few are in the same class as Iggy Pop. Like Keith Richards, he has come to embody e...
Days of Future Past
PUBLISHED Sep 1, 2003
Ah, the irony. Here I sit in the midst of the biggest blackout of all time ever, waiting for a call from Ralph Hütter, the spokesGerman for...
Neil Young
Searching For A Heart Of Gold
PUBLISHED Aug 1, 2003
If anyone deserves to be the godfather of Canadian rock, it's Neil Young. Much like our country, he has never fully defined what he is. Som...
Anger Management
PUBLISHED Jul 1, 2003
For more than 20 years now, Metallica has flown the heavy music flag, turning heads and snapping necks since their primitive debut release...
Depeche Mode
Blasphemous Rumours
PUBLISHED Jun 1, 2003
Embarrassing haircuts, gender-bending lyrics and an unabashed dependence on pre-recorded tape have never made it cool to like Depeche Mode...
Art Pop's Life of Leisure
PUBLISHED May 1, 2003
The bowl cuts. The booze. The birds. The animated apes and spaceships, the woo hoo and vindaloo. From their shaky beginnings as chaotic con...