Tony Scott
Tony Scott
PUBLISHED Mar 1, 2006
Un-viewable, self-indulgent, seizure-inducing mess or misunderstood work of genius? Well, critics definitely picked answer number one (show...
Tony Scott
PUBLISHED Nov 1, 2005
There's "over the top" filmmaking and then there's the Jerry Bruckheimer school of "over the top" filmmaking, as exemplified by his two mai...
The Hunger
Tony Scott
PUBLISHED Oct 1, 2004
The Hunger is one of the greatest vampire films ever, and it's not even a vampire film per se. Released back in 1983, Tony Scott's debut fe...
Man On Fire
Tony Scott
PUBLISHED Sep 1, 2004
Man on Fire could easily be the title of a documentary on Denzel Washington's film career. Whether this "fire" is political (Malcom X, The...