Bif Naked Is a Canadian Cannabis Hero

Having been straight edge for 25 years, the singer-songwriter is a strong advocate for non-psychoactive CBD

Photo: Coco & Kensington Photography

BY Bif NakedPublished Feb 14, 2020

Bif Naked was one of the most recognizable Canadian rock stars of the 1990s, and she's still going strong 25 years later. She's become a major proponent of medical cannabis, having recently launched her own CBD brand called MonaLisa Healing. Ahead of her upcoming album Champion, we spoke with the songwriter about witnessing CBD's benefits during her breast cancer treatments, the rocky road to legalization, and why we should all grow cannabis plants as if they were tomatoes. See her answers below, and check out the new single "JIM" at the bottom of the page.

What do you take and how do you consume it?
When I was a little youngster, I grew up in Kentucky and saw a lot of pot smoking from my friends older brothers. I personally learned how to smoke hash off of a safety pin, with a blowtorch in the back of a car. The Height of Romance in my developing brain! This was a defining memory for me and a revelation for my heart. Cannabis sure seemed to make people happy. Unlike alcohol, which seemed to make people unhappy and do violent things. As I grew up, and became an adult, my cannabis use was very limited despite all of my band members thoroughly embracing the abundant bounty that British Columbia was, and still is, famous for. I stood firmly in my socio-political choices to be a straight edge since 1995, and it suited me and has always served my life very well.

When I was in chemo treatments about a decade ago for breast cancer, I learned about the benefits of CBD oils and tinctures, and witnessed some miraculous results in many of the patients. It was miraculous in assisting their well being and supported their recovery. I have also witnessed the miracle of friends getting off of opioids with the aid of cannabis, and that is a pure blessing. I began working on bringing out a new international online CBD brand, MonaLisa Healing last year and began my own journey with CBD oil. The product we created was non-psychoactive, as it is hemp-derived CBD isolate so it has zero THC. All of my friends and neighbours enjoy utilizing cannabis recreationally, and I support their freedom and rights to do so.

What do you like to do when you take CBD?
When I take my CBD oil by mouth (because I am of the belief that sublingually is the most bioavailable way to consume the CBD oil) I am either heading into the gym, or heading home from it. I prefer to have a tasteless product that does not interfere with my day, my cognition, or my glorious bubble-gum habits. I generally take CBD in the morning, but if I am particularly sore from training, or stressed from travel or work, I will also take some before bedtime.

What do you think about the recent changes in cannabis culture?
I think this is an amazing time to be alive! Canada's government has a lot to learn as the road to legalization has been a bumpy one, but I still think that we are all headed in the right direction. That is, provided they back off hemp products and regulate cannabinoids and step away from being part of the "distribution." Canadians have difficulty, more than ever now, finding high quality products at competitive (read: fair) prices since legalization, as well as it has become a stock market play for wealthy speculators. Cannabis is a remarkable, healing plant and a natural medicine that should be readily available to everyone and anyone, regardless of social or economic status.

As a healing medicine, it is misunderstood and under-prescribed and there is still a great deal of stigma surrounding this plant as well as hemp (which I think is a living miracle plant). It is a very positive and healing plant. We should all grow it like tomato plants. Cannabis in it's various forms should never be stigmatized and I believe it is a valuable supplement for any human or animal.

Where in your city is great for cannabis?
The best location in any city, town, village, or even on your farm or cabin at the lake, is going to be MonaLisa Healing because we all live online these days. What better place to shop for CBD than your own kitchen, bedroom, tattoo shop, the beach, or just standing a field on your phone? We express deliver to you, where ever you are, in so many countries! CBD is going to help everyone, even if they are using cannabis already. I know this because MonaLisa CBD is verified by lab testing as the purest, most simple and clean product on the market, with only three ingredients: BC-grown organic hemp-based CBD isolate, vegan MCT coconut oil, and pure love.

Are there hidden or not so hidden references to cannabis in your songs?
Not yet. Maybe I will write a song about the secret behind the Mona Lisa smile? We all know it's CBD!

Who are your Canadian cannabis heroes?
I will say anyone working on the front lines of cannabis activism in Canada and working toward better outcomes for patients. Obviously the doctors that are embracing, supporting and prescribing medical cannabis and CBD oil therapies are my inspirations, and of course the old-school organic farmers. I must mention my friend, entrepreneur and educator, journalist-activist Tammi Stanhope, to whom I look up and value as a mentor. And, last but not least, the Canadian comedy ensemble and superstars Trailer Park Boys! I have been lucky enough to perform on their inaugural Trailer Park Boys Cruise, for a week on a cruise ship, last spring, to the Bahamas. They have been positive cannabis promoters since the beginning. Fun loving and funny. Really lovely guys, too.

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