By now, Liam Finn has amply demonstrated that he isn't simply coasting on the strength of his surname, yet he's also capable of cribbing from his father when appropriate. His second album, Fomo, which apparently stands for "Fear of Missing Out," is a mix of the melodic pop he's genetically predisposed to and some more adventurous moments. Finn pretty much does it all here, and left to his own devices, does just fine. Fomo is a very likeable album, thanks to its urgency, which ensures no song outstays its welcome, although on occasion that translates into some tracks ending prematurely. The strongest songs, such as "Cold Feet," are those that aren't hidden behind layers of studio-produced trickery and noise put there to make them less straightforward. Once he realises that it's pointless to conceal a good tune he will be one step closer to the classic album he's bound to make sometime soon. In the meantime, this will do quite nicely.
(Yep Roc)Liam Finn
BY Michael EdwardsPublished Jun 21, 2011