POP Montreal Reveals Complete 2022 Lineup with Witch Prophet, Tess Roby, OMBIIGIZI

BY Calum SlingerlandPublished Aug 17, 2022

Nearly a month out from their 2022 edition, organizers behind POP Montreal have unveiled the complete lineup for this year's event. 

Following a first-wave reveal in May, POP Montreal has added over 100 more artists to perform at this year's festival, set to run from September 28 through October 2 in venues around the city.

Freshly added names in the lineup include OMBIIGIZI, Tess Roby, Witch Prophet, Sophia Bel, Esmerine, Gayance, Kee Avil, Adria Kain, Hua Li 化力, Thanya Iyer, Fly Anakin and Pink Siifu, Kamikaze Nurse, Joe Rainey, Isabella Lovestory and maxime.

Those artists join a bill which already featured Allison Russellthe Linda LindasTortoiseJulie DoironPACKSBorn RuffiansPartnerMartha WainwrightDJ ShubPriyanka and more.

In addition to all those performances, POP Montreal will continue to host its annual group exhibition, readings and workshops as part of its Art POP programming, a Film POP lineup of 10 screenings at Cinema Moderne and Entrepôt 77, POP Symposium workshops and panel discussions, and workshops and entertainment for young creatives with Kids POP.

Find an updated lineup poster for POP Montreal 2022 below.

Full festival passes and single-event tickets are now available for purchase. Visit POP Montreal's official website for further information.


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