Sexual Assault Lawsuit Against Snoop Dogg Refiled

After the plaintiff voluntarily dismissed the case, she has now refiled since removing the rapper's business ventures

Photo: Kamara Morozuk

BY Kaelen BellPublished Jul 22, 2022

Back in February, it was revealed that Snoop Dogg was being sued alongside his associate Bishop Don "Magic" Juan for sexual assault and battery over an incident that allegedly occurred following a Snoop Dogg concert in May 2013. 

The following article contains potentially triggering material relating to sexual assault and violence. If you believe you have experienced or witnessed sexual misconduct and are looking for support, consult the Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime to find resources in your area.

The woman — an actor, model and dancer identified as Jane Doe — alleged that Juan assaulted her in his home following the concert, after which she was taken to Snoop Dogg's studio, where the rapper cornered her in a bathroom and assaulted her in a separate incident. 

The suit was later dismissed after Snoop Dogg and other defendants — which included the rapper's business ventures — filed motions for dismissal and the woman filed a notice of voluntary dismissal with her attorney. However, the case was refiled in a California federal court earlier this week, removing the businesses from the lawsuit and seeking damages from only Snoop Dogg and Bishop Don "Magic" Juan. 

The suit reasserts many of the allegations from Jane Doe's previous filings, and now includes accusations that the defendants violated the Trafficking Victims Protection Act and Tom Bane Civil Rights Act. It accuses them of sexual battery, sexual assault and conspiracy. The newly filed case also alleges defamation, infliction of emotional distress, and unlawful retaliation in violation of California labour code.

Jane Doe's attorney, Matt Evan Orellana Finkelberg, told the Los Angeles Times in an email, "We have obtained new information, which we believe adds significant credibility and corroboration to the alleged scheme of Defendants and the alleged acts they took against my client and others."

The lawyer continued, "We believe that this new information stated in the complaint, which includes details of what allegedly happened to other alleged victims, including an alleged attempted rape against an alleged victim by Defendant Snoop Dogg, is important and demonstrates how serious our claims are."

"The complaint refiled today against Snoop Dogg by "Jane Doe" and her attorney is meritless. It follows Jane Doe's attorney's voluntarily dismissing just a few months ago her previous complaint on the alleged matter. He also dismissed an earlier complaint – this is the third try.

In their own statement, a spokesperson for Snoop Dogg wrote that:

As before, this refiled complaint is riddled with and predicated upon falsehoods and inaccuracies. Moreover, as Jane Doe and her attorney know or should know, Jane Doe has never been Snoop Dogg's employee.

In March 2022, the plaintiff and her attorney were served with a motion to dismiss by legal counsel for Snoop Dogg. That motion made clear to Jane Doe and her attorney the false nature of Jane Doe's allegations against Snoop Dogg. Jane Doe's attorney then in April 2022 asked the court to dismiss his client's complaint.

Snoop Dogg looks forward to proving the falsity of these allegations.

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