Stereolab Tease Two New 'Switched On' Albums

The band ask to "keep an eye/ear out" for them this year

BY Calum SlingerlandPublished Feb 19, 2020

The final titles in Stereolab's recent remastered reissue series saw release last November, but as a new update outlines, more material could be on the way sooner than we think.

A brief note at the end of Stereolab's Lab Report newsletter, authored by band manager Martin Pike, notes that listeners should "keep an eye/ear out for news of Switched On Volume 4 and Switched On Volume 5 coming some time this year."

Stereolab led off their aforementioned reissue campaign by bringing their first three Switched On compilations back to wax in September 2018. 

The trio of comps — 1992's Switched On, 1995's Refried Ectoplasm (Switched On Volume 2) and 1998's Aluminum Tunes (Switched On Volume 3) — collected previously unreleased material, in addition to tracks from hard-to-find singles, split releases and bonus discs.

Listeners online have already started discussing what material could potentially be included on the forthcoming compilations, considering the amount of rarities that were included alongside the studio album reissues.

Stereolab's last album was 2010's Not Music. Find out where the Switched On compilations sit in our Essential Guide to Stereolab.

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