Watch Nardwuar and Turnstile Give Each Other the Same Gift

From SXSW 2016, to Vancouver's Neptoon Records

BY Calum SlingerlandPublished May 24, 2022

A staple of any interview with Nardwuar the Human Serviette is the Canadian journalist's generosity, lavishing thoughtful gifts of all kinds to his subjects. On occasion, artists like Turnstile return the favour, and the Baltimore outfit have raised the bar for all other prospective gift-givers in a new interview.

Meeting up with four of the five members of Turnstile at Neptoon Records in Vancouver, Nardwuar begins the interview with a flashback through Time & Space to 2016, showing a photo of himself posing with vocalist  Brendan Yates, drummer Daniel Fang and guitarist Pat McCrory.

Coincidentally, Yates brought a copy of the same photo to give to Nardwuar — framed and ready to hang on his wall at home next to the Video Vault. As Yates explains, he and his bandmates were turned away from a Sheer Mag show at SXSW 2016, leading them to run into Nardwuar on the streets of Austin, TX. Bassist Franz Lyons would have made the shot too, had he not been hanging out with Power Trip across the street.

Other gifts for Turnstile include a 12-inch of Official Baltimore Club Classics, a bobblehead of Bad Brains' H.R., a Star Wars Christmas album, Agnostic Front and Gorilla Biscuits figurines and more.

You can watch Nardwuar's complete interview with Turnstile below, where the band talk punk rock and music piracy beginnings, the D.C. go-go scene, Baltimore house music and landmark local venue the Sidebar.

Turnstile's recently performed in Toronto on their current North American tour. In August, the band will play Osheaga 2022.

Read Exclaim!'s review of GLOW ON. We recently named Nardwuar one of 30 Artists Who Defined Exclaim!'s First 30 Years.

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